Scan your Remote Teams for FREE
These are unusual times. That is why we decided to do something unusual too. We are offering all Teamily functionalities for free. This means anyone can make a snapshot using our software and see the strengths and weaknesses of their teams.
Back in 2014 Maarten and I started Teamily with the idea to help self steering autonomous and remote teams with software that would help them to be more effective and have better results. To be honest we have had a hard time to make our business a success. This had more to do with the business model than the product itself.
The last years Maarten, myself and a group of 100 Teamily Practitioners have helped thousands of teams with our methodology and software tooling.
As our company is all about helping teams we thought that this is the moment to act and offer our solution to all those teams working hard to cope with the change they are confronted with.
So till the COVID-19 is behind us all Teamily functionalities will be free of charge.
I hereby invite all teams to freely scan their teams and immediately find out their strengths and weaknesses. We also offer to support teams with the interpretation of the results. Just send us an email and we will react ASAP.
Go to Teamily and make a scan of your team.
Instructions for new users can be found here
Here is more material on the various driver roles and challenges
You can always mail me or Maarten if you have questions: and
Personal Driver Fit
See in which phases of a project you tend to perform better and see in which phases you struggle a bit more.
Team Constellations
We show the team’s preferences by mapping the team member’s personal profiles to 16 different phases, which can be found in any project. This mapping of people’s personal preferences to the actual work context is what makes TEAMDRIVER a unique approach in the world. It gives teams a framework in which they can look at their team in relation to the phases of their project. This is the start of transformation of employees, teams and the organization.
Team Sentiment
Building a great team is not just about the driver roles, the interpersonal relations are as important. The TEAMDRIVER SNAPSHOT will give you a better understanding of your team’s Sentiment. We measure 4 elements: